Lost Ark is a video game created by Smilegate RPG. This video game has much equipment whose features can be enhanced by adding engravings. To calculate different factors of these engravings Lost Ark engraving calculator is used. Today we will give you a complete guide about this calculator, like what it is and how to use it, so read till last.
What Are Lost Ark Engravings?
Engravings in the lost ark online game are the special characteristics we can add to equipment to increase their statistics. Every equipment has a specific number of slots we can engrave with special features.
Each equipment in the game has its level; according to this level, we can add the engraving type. With these engravings, we can get many features, such as critical hit, defense, and an increase in attack power.
We can get engravings by breaking up the equipment or purchasing them from the game. You can choose the type of engraving to your desired equipment on which you want to add once you collect the necessary materials. One thing to note is that you can not engrave all equipment; you can only engrave specific equipment.
Players can upgrade the engravings too to increase the effects, and it requires gold and other necessary materials. Only choose engravings that suit your gameplay to increase the statistics and effectiveness.
What Is Lost Ark Engraving Calculator?
Lost Ark engraving calculator is easy-to-use online tool players use to calculate the cost of their engravings. The accuracy of the price of the engraving for any item depends on various factors such as shape, size, font, and material.
If anyone wants to estimate the price of their engravings quickly, then the engraving calculator lost ark is for them. This calculator works with a range of fonts, sizes, shapes, and materials, meaning you can use it for any engraving work. The best thing about this is it will provide you with the real-time and quick cost of the project, so you don’t have to wait for it.
Features OF Lost Ark Engravings Calculator
Free Of Cost
This engraving calculator is free to use, which makes it accessible to all players without having to worry about the prices. With this calculator, everyone from making small engraving to large engraving projects can estimate the cost of the project freely.
Highly Accurate
The engraving calculator lost ark is highly accurate in relation to other methods of calculating the cost of the engravings. This calculator uses different factors such as thickness, shape, size, and material type to give players an estimate of all things other methods usually don’t consider.
Easy To use
Another best feature of this calculator is the easiness of its use. A beginner player can also use this software effectively to calculate the accurate cost. All you have to do is provide data in the given fields and click the calculate button to generate the estimated cost of your engraving projects.
How To Get Engravings In Lost Ark?
Many sources are available in the game from where you can get the engravings. The best and most common source to get engravings is the end-game activities. You can get these activities by completing the estate mission from your stronghold.
Further, players can get engravings from the dungeons, and most dungeons have engraving recipe tables. You can get low-level engravings from the 400-item level dungeons and unlock this when you hit level 50. You will get top-tier legendary engraving books from the 1300-item level dungeons once you hit level 60.
If you don’t need the engraving books you get from here, you can sell them in the auction house. Likewise, if you want an engraving, you can also buy it from the auction house.
How To Increase The Level Of Engravings?
Engravings in the lost ark have three levels, and each level requires five nodes to activate that level. If you have 5 nodes of 5 points, you can activate level one; with the ten points, you can activate level two; with the 15 points, you can activate level 3, which is the strongest level in terms of the power of engravings. Below are some ways to get points and increase the level of your engraving.
The first way to increase the engraving points is through engraving books. In the game, engraving books come with four types of quality which are uncommon, rare, heroic, and legendary. Each level of the book will give you 3 points. Any player will need 20 books of the same level of quality to upgrade the level of engraving.
The second way to increase the level of engravings is through jewelry. Any type of jewelry you will find in the game has points you can use to increase the level. If you have 2 points in your graving and you find a ring that will give you 3 points, the total will become five, and you can activate the first level of engraving power.
Some Lost Ark Engravings And Their Benefits
All Out Attack: This engraving will increase your holding and casting skill speed and also increase the attack damage. With its first level, you will get an increase of 5% in skill speed and 4% in damage. And with levels two and three, you will get a 10% and 20% increase in skill speed and 10% and 20% in damage.
Emergency Rescue: This engraving will help with a shield equal to maximum HP when your HP falls below 30%. With level one, you will get max HP when it falls below 20%, with level two, you will get a shield of 30%, with level three, you will get the Max HP shield when HP falls below 50%.
Expert: This lost ark engraving will provide a shield and Increase the healing of party members. With level one, you will increase your 6% value, with the second level, you can increase your 14% value, with the third level, you can increase the value by 24% on party members when their HP falls below 50%.
Explosive Expert: When you find or purchase an explosive expert engraving, it will increase the limit to carry bomb and grenade carry limit. With level one, the limit will increase to +1, with level two, it will increase to +2, with level 3, it will increase to +3.
Increase Mass: The increased mass engraving will increase your attack speed and attack damage. With level one, the attack speed will increase to 10% and power 4%, and with level 2, the speed will increase to 10% and power to 10%, and with level three, the attack speed will increase to 10% and attack damage will increase 18%.